Carimali 半自動咖啡機 (單頭) Carimali Cento50 Traditional Semi-Automatic Coffee Machine (1 Group)
原產地 Country of Origin:意大利 Italy
尺寸 Dimensions:350mm(闊W) X 497mm(高H) X 515mm(深D)
淨重 Net Weight :30 公斤/kg
電量功率 Power Consumption:230V 1+N 50/60Hz 1.850W
鍋爐容量 (1組) Boiler (1 Group):4 升/L
- 1個蒸汽棒,單熱水輸出和自動控制鍋爐儲水量和加熱時段
1 steam wands, 1 hot water output and automatic level control for boiler and heating up stage. 1 hot water doses.
- 配有1個大的不銹鋼暖杯器,方便用戶隨時拿到杯子
Equipped with a large cup warmer in stainless steel that allows the user to have cups near at hand. - 配有低或高杯組,自動調節劑量
Available with high-raised or low groups with automatic dosage
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